Welcome to St. Luke's GP
The Anglican Parish of Gondola Point
Our Weekly Services
Holy Communion
Sunday Mornings at 10AM
Contemplative Prayer Services
Peaceful time of prayer & worship
Inspired by Taizé
Every Second Wednesday of the Month
Sunday Mornings at 10AM
Contemplative Prayer Services
Peaceful time of prayer & worship
Inspired by Taizé
Every Second Wednesday of the Month
Weekly Events
Community Coffee Drop-In
Tuesday Mornings at 10AM
In the Parish Hall
Absolutely Everyone's Welcome
Tuesday Mornings at 10AM
In the Parish Hall
Absolutely Everyone's Welcome
Check out the St. Luke's Blog section of our website
for weekly services, bulletins, sermons, songs, and resources
to help us faithfully follow Jesus Christ wherever we may be.
In Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Spirit,
God remains truly with us.
As a Christian community we can continue
to live in faith, grow in love, and share our hope
through worship, prayer, scripture, acts of compassion, and fellowship,
wherever we may be.
God remains truly with us.
As a Christian community we can continue
to live in faith, grow in love, and share our hope
through worship, prayer, scripture, acts of compassion, and fellowship,
wherever we may be.
Service Times - Sunday 10 AM
Typically our services
are relaxed & warm, so you can come just as you are. We at St. Luke's GP are seeking to move forward as the COVID-19 situation changes with patience, grace, and care for the safety and concerns of each other, and our wider community. This means we have had to make some temporary adjustments to our gatherings in order to keep everyone safe. |
What to Expect at St. Luke's
As followers of Jesus Christ,
we seek to live in faith, grow in love, and share hope through everything we do. The first Sunday of each month we use the traditional Anglican Book of Common Prayer. Other weeks we follow the Book of Alternative Services, which uses more present-day language. Sunday School is in Session
Children are always welcome to remain in our worship services with their family.
Our St. Luke's Sunday School has resumed meeting each week in the Parish Hall during the 10 AM service. |
Fellowship Time Each Sunday
Affectionately known as Hymn Tortons, we share a time of fellowship, coffee/tea and food together each week following our service.
This meal is free and open to all, and is a great opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy some time together. A free-will offering can be given for the meal to support the ongoing mission of Bishop McAllister school in Uganda. |
If the Anglican tradition is new to you, don't worry.
You are welcome to visit with no experience at all,
and participate as much as you feel comfortable.
To learn more about Anglicanism, you can also visit our Diocesan Website.
Building Renovation Project
What's Happening at St. Luke's GP
St. Luke's GP Events
Parish Communications Officer
Looking to find out or share some information with the Parish? Want to know about booking the Parish Hall for an event?
Get in touch with Donna, our Parish Communications Officer. Online Offering Options
Please consider supporting St. Luke's through automatic regular e-offerings, or through occasional e-transfers.
Contact Terry (our e-giving coordinator) for more info. |