Scripture Readings: Isaiah 6:1–8 | Psalm 29 | Romans 8:12–17 | John 3:1–17
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:16-17). Why spend time reflecting on the identity of the Living God as Trinity: the Three in One, and One in Three? Short answer is: Because this is the way God has revealed Himself to the world! It’s God’s self-disclosed identity. If we want to get to know someone, we do well to pay close attention to how they show themselves to us: how they introduce themselves… the stories they share, their mannerisms… what makes them unique. If we want to truly know someone, and share real fellowship with them… if we want to love them, then we can’t just settle for surface level assumptions… or worse yet, decide for ourselves who we might want them to be… projecting our own ideas and ideals on them, instead of just letting them be themselves. And so, we Christians take time to reflect on the nature of the Living God as Triune because we believe, as mysterious as it may seem, that God truly is Three in One, and One in Three: The Father is God. Jesus Christ the Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. These Three are all equally God. And yet, at the same time God is One. All our words hit a wall here because we are dealing with Someone who transcends all of our categories…. Someone wholly unlike anything else in Creation. Someone completely beyond compare. But even so, this Someone has drawn near to us… in order to draw us near to them. This Someone has opened His heart to us, and invites us in… despite all our doubts and our failures. And though our words hit a wall, God’s Word has broken down everything that stands between us and our Triune Creator… taking on our human life, and lifted up for us at the cross, so that all those who believe in Him may have eternal life. And now because of Jesus Christ, God’s Word made flesh, God’s Spirit has been breathed into us to bring about something new in us, and through us: God’s new creation… His divine and holy life leading us out of the ways of darkness and into God’s kingdom of light. And just like that, as we start trying to tell the story of the Good News, the story of our faith, we find ourselves talking about not just any conception of God… but the Trinity… the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit… because the Good News is this God’s story… it is Their divine invitation to come to know who They are and what They are up to… and to take part in it too. We celebrate the truth of the Trinity, and take time to contemplate what it means for us, and for our world because it is truly inseparable from the Good News we have been given to share in, and to share with everyone. Our Scripture readings today shed important light on this Triune Good News… not to explain the mystery away, but to draw us into it… to help us begin to get to know the God is, and who has always been Father, Son, and Spirit, so that we may draw near to Him in faith, and receive the holy love He longs to share with His world. Starting with Isaiah, and his vision of God’s throne room… the Holy sanctuary of Heaven that the Temple in Jerusalem pointed to. In this moment the prophet is painfully aware of his own sinfulness… and of God’s glory and holiness… and how dangerous it is for him to be so close to the LORD. Sometimes it’s hard for us to wrap our heads around what the authors of the Bible meant by words like holy, but I think this is a pretty helpful image: holiness is like the sun. The sun is bright, it illumines the darkness… it’s the source of life on earth… it is ultimately Good. But the sun is not safe! If someone draws near to the sun they end up burned up. Serious protection is needed just to get a bit closer… not because the sun is bad, or means any harm, but because of the frailty and limits of our human bodies. Something similar is going on in Isaiah’s vision: he’s drawn into God’s presence, close to the Holy One, the Living God revealed in all His splendor… and so Isaiah rightly thinks his days are numbered… because he is painfully aware of his sin… his failures to be like the Living God… holy as God is holy. But rather than being struck down, an angel is sent with a burning coal from God’s heavenly altar to transform Isaiah… to do something to him to purify him… to cleanse him… to graciously make him holy, and able to stand before the Triune LORD, and not be consumed… but rather, so that he could be commissioned… sent on his own mission to share God’s words of warning with His unfaithful covenant people. Isaiah’s story is a long one that we don’t have time to explore this morning… but notice that in this vision, he, and we along with him, are given a glimpse of God’s unique glory and holiness. The Living God is not just some impersonal force, or divine wish-granter, just waiting around to make our lives a bit nicer down here… He is the Almighty… the Glorious and Holy One, the Sovereign LORD over all creation. And in His Holy presence, we humans are in trouble. Something in us is out of sync with His life and light, and if it were just up to us we’d have no hope. But as Isaiah discovered, it’s not just up to us… and we are not without hope. For the Almighty, the Holy One does not desire our destruction… but our transformation… our purification… our cleansing from sin and all that keeps us far off from sharing in His glorious presence. And so, as Isaiah is graciously made able to stand in God’s presence, and share in the LORD’s divine holiness, we can see something true of God’s will for all of us. In short, the Living God Himself can overcome all that stands between Him and His human creatures… He can cleanse us, and transform us, and make us able to share in His holy life. And as we heard in our Gospel reading today, it’s not just that God can do these things… God wants to do these things! And we know this because, out of love for our broken, messed up world, God the Father freely gave His own Son Jesus Christ to save all who trust in Him. John 3:16-18, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Those who believe in him are not condemned; but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God.” The life, and death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is God’s own gift of love to us and our world… because Jesus Christ is truly God Himself, taking on our humanity in order to save it. Jesus is not just some designated servant… some middle-man doing the hard work while the Father sits by watching… Jesus is the Living God incarnate… the Living God-in-the-flesh… God laying down His life in love to save sinners like us… to cleanse us by His blood… to make possible our forgiveness and freedom… and draw us together to the Father… so that through the Holy Spirit we can be transformed to truly share in His blessed life. And here we turn to our reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome, and to the Apostle’s understanding of what the Christian life looks like: our transformation… being led by God’s own Spirit away from the darkness of our old lives, and into the light of God’s family. Romans 8:12-14, “So then, brothers and sisters, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh [that is, according to our old sinful and selfish desires]— for if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.” God’s Spirit has been given to us to truly transform the way we live each day. But this isn’t about some unwelcome interference from on high, bent on sapping our freedom and joy… or an attempt at intimidating us to get us to change our ways out of fear of punishment. Far from it! For the Spirit of God is moved by the very same love as the Father and the Son… transforming us the way a child is transformed by being welcomed into a loving family. St. Paul goes on in Romans 8:15-17, “For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’ it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.” The Spirit of God draws us into the holy love of the Trinity… bringing us into the same bond that has existed for all eternity between the Father and the Spirit and the Son. The Spirit nurtures in us the very same love that Jesus expressed on earth when He would pray to His Abba, His Father… a connection of true trust, and intimacy… and which empowered Him to face all sorts of trials and suffering… even to the point of laying down His life, because He was convinced of the untold depths of His Father’s life-giving, resurrecting love. The Spirit of God brings this same love that fills the life of the Trinity into our lives by drawing us in faith to Jesus, God’s Son, and through Him into the arms of our loving Almighty Abba-Father. And the Spirit is also at work sharing this same love through His people with those who do not yet know Him… who have all sorts of strange ideas about what God is like, and what God wants, if God even exists at all. People who have no clue that God truly cares for them, and has done everything Himself to deal with their brokenness and sin… giving His life out of love to bring them forgiveness, and freedom, and lead them out of the darkness, and into the glorious light and blessed life that has no end. The Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, have shared their holy love with us, and have shown us God’s heart for everyone: sending Jesus not to condemn the world, but so that it might be saved through Him. We are the ones who have already heard this Good News, and have begin to be transformed by it already. We are the ones who have been entrusted with this story of salvation, and who are called to share it… to share in the sufferings of Christ Jesus… the long-suffering love of God for His lost children. How can we help those in our lives come to know this God??? The Triune God who loves them so? The God who we might not be able to wrap our heads around, but who has still wrapped His arms of love around us, and who longs to do the same for absolutely everyone? How can we help them come to know this God if we don’t draw near to Him ourselves? If we are content to remain at a distance… how can we share His love with one another and with our world? May the Holy Trinity Himself, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, continue His cleansing, empowering, and transforming work in us all so that, convinced of God’s great love for us all, we might draw near to Him always, and share the Good News of His story in everything that we do. Amen.
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Rev. RObRev. Rob serves as the Priest-in-Charge at St. Luke's Gondola Point, and as the School Chaplain at Rothesay Netherwood School Archives
December 2024